Mar 19, 2023Liked by Tree

This is the best summary on this whole issue I've seen. Thank you for sharing your hard-won insight and perspective, which surely will help crack the facade of those who encourage this delusional system. This post encapsulates so many threads into such a clear and concise narrative, it should be required reading. Thank you again.

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You are my favorite new voice on these issues. Brilliant!

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Hi Steven, thank you for this well written explanation, I believe it’s the best I’ve read in regards to trans ideology. I appreciate it, have a blessed day (:

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I'm so glad to see you join Ritchie and use strong language. Please be sure to read aloud the last part if you are interviewed. Be well. Always. You are saving someone every day.

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Not to "target" you Ute 😉🙂 in any way, but thought you might be interested in knowing that Lisa Selin Davis is planning a "series on trans widows and autogynephilia" next week:


You probably know about it and are likely to be profiled in the series, but others here may wish to know of it as well. And I thought I would also mention it because Lisa used a phrase -- "sex changes" -- that I think should be deprecated if not seriously anathematized in no uncertain terms. Just contributing to a rather egregiously odious "Big Lie" -- as I've just argued here:


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In this case you are not "targeting" me Steersman. You are notifying me of an article I might be interested in. I've read the first section she published about 10 minutes ago, and commented. Yes, you are correct that Lisa Selin Davis is walking that tightrope of using captured language to present a forbidden topic, trans widows. I am not thrilled that the first profile was of a woman who allowed herself to be gaslit for some time before getting out, including demeaning sex role play, but that was "Madison's" reality. I've been asked to interview with Lisa for a podcast, we'll see if it works out. I've spoken to her regarding my policy aligning with Women's Declaration International, that I only use biologically referenced pronouns and etc, so I'm not sure if she's afraid of backlash if she posts anything on my story. Thanks, I guess.

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clear, concise, not overly dramatic; this is a brilliant piece to explain what's happening

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"It’s a medical scandal on the scale of the lobotomy, if not worse. It’s castration, sterilization, and mutilation."

Amen to that; "medical scandal", indeed.

But glad to see you quote "male-to-female” since, as you emphasize, that is currently not possible. Though it might be nice if it were -- really allow us to walk a mile in the shoes of a person of the other sex.

However, it seems that too many use the unquoted version which tends just to contribute to the Big Lie that people can actually change sex, that transwomen are actually women -- typically, if problematically defined as "adult human females". Though equally problematic is the too common use of "sex change operations" in an unquoted format. For instance, Lisa Selin Davis did so recently, and I've seen too many newspapers do likewise, as well as use the adjective-noun pair "trans woman", instead of the logically more justified compound word "transwoman".


But "semantic sorcery", indeed; think we need to start seriously deprecating if not anathematizing such poisonous and toxic phrases.

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Incredible writing.

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This is a known mental disorder: Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another, according to the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision).

FDIA is classified under the category of "Other disorders of adult personality and behavior" with the code F68.A


Those who identify themselves as "Trans" in fact do have a disease, but it has been imposed on them.

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Excellent. Straightforward. Thank you!

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This is such a moving account, and informative overview. I have tied the gender issue to CRT, which both lead to dissatisfaction with self. We must speak against this. Thank you, Steven.


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