I have never seen a science fiction movie as weird as the current society I am living in.

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I know. The one where all the body positive feminists suddenly ok mastectomies and castrations in the name of being your authentic self. The way you are ostracised like a contagious leper for sporting a Woman Adult Human Female badge. The way university professors sidle up to you, point to the badge and confess their own lack of courage. The way you can get arrested for a leaflet revealing how many women are murdered by partners per week in UK.

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I'm actually antifeminist. In the UK, they bribe women to make false rape accusations. If you are caught lying, you don't have to pay it back to the Victims' Compensation Fund.

Men are much more likely to die from IPV suicide.

In fact, so much of this nonsense is the direct result of the tactics of feminism being used against women. IF feminists had ever once addressed the madness and the lack of the ability to take criticism or responsibility it might not have gotten this far. This Frankenstein was created by feminism, it is the very fruit of teaching as a first principle that "gender is merely a social construct."


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most people are anti feminist, or what they perceive to be feminist. That goes for women too, most women are anti feminist. Our culture's misogynist to the core, so no surprises there. Then there is the confusing fact of misogyny dressed in the word feminism, as with liberal feminists. This dirtied up the word, bit like the Catholic priests who dirtied the word christian by molesting kids. What can you do. I've given up trying to convince anti feminists. Deaf ears. I'll just get on with supporting rape crisis shelters and other essential services that serve the particular needs of women.

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I'm guessing this guy thinks that Pakistani rape gangs are all pious family men that would NEVER! Who is "they?" The world will never know.

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Actually, it is evident you totally misunderstood his comment. Have fun!

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May 15, 2022
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The protection of women throughout most of history was almost exclusively the result of their status as property, legally and morally.

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Clearly not true, considering slaves were never similarly protected.

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hey, the out the overton window propaganda's not working.

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well mr longshanks you certainly live up to the anti-feminist label you've given yourself.

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Really? This bit sounds awfully familiar:

"The dream of the trans movement is of a world where no one has to do anything they don't want, where no one is forced to work, where everyone can indulge their every desire without fear or shame, where all distinctions between people have been abolished and we're all completely equal. In a word: Utopia."

Hmm. Reminds me of a movie I saw once ...

"Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world, where none suffered, where everyone would be happy? It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. ... The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from."

It also reminds me of a certain 90s Japanese anime, the Vision of Escaflowne:

"The Zone of Absolute Fortune has been activated. It will grant everyone their wishes, creating perfect happiness."

"But that's what destroyed Atlantis!"

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This is one of my favorite quotes. Sorry if I've posted it before - a sentimentalist is one who wishes to experience the luxury of an emotion without experiencing any of the pain, The kids can't grow up because we severely molly coddled them. Aww is not an emotion. Nor are abundant explosions of digital hearts. Love is an overused word, Better shown than said

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I never consciously, courted suffering, but it always yields some amazing lesson if you pick through it. Nearly all the insights I value came from my efforts in unpacking the unasked for pain. This sounds religious, But it's been true for me, always.

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Wow, really shows why "no debate" was an early strategy.

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Another smashing article from the brilliantly talented Tree! Thank you for sharing this with the world, you're writing has always been top tier and your delivery is powerful and poignant.

Keep writing <3

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Yes, victimisation is akin to sainthood, once a victim, and especially a permanent victim, one's deification is complete, no one can even suggest that you're wrong or disagree, because that would further one's trauma, no matter what it's based on

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Yes, victimisation can be akin to sainthood, but there's another parallel victim narrative - Women who were raped "well you were drunk and out on the town for the night" Then there's the woman in a relationship with a man who beats her up "well she should have left years ago" Some victims are eternally demonised. The 'they were asking for it' story

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So are you saying women should be free to make bad decisions and it should be ok for them to be the victim instead of being their own hero and overcoming their trauma? I'm a survivor of domestic abuse and I don't ever think of myself as a victim. I was dumb for not leaving sooner and I take full responsibility for that.

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no. Not what I said.

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Hey! I got what you said. You are not alone in this argument (if it still matters days later). Sara and Muko and Longshanks are still mainly blaming the women, whether they realize or admit it or not. No one is entitled to beat anyone else up (or worse), but they don't seem to get that that's the actual main problem, the abusers, not the abused. It can be called "the civic advocacy of violence," a term from a wonderful essay by that title which I read years ago, written by a man who worked in the anti-DV movement.

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Tl:Dr- you falsely conflate the realization that the victim (unless a child) bears some degree of responsibility (and therefore can learn from their mistakes and be safer from abuse in the future) with "mainly blaming the women." We all mainly blame the abuser, but you don't see that Because it is more appealing to your ego to pretend the victim has zero responsibility, and therefore zero power to stay safe from malevolence at all.

That's not true at all, and it can only be interpreted as that if you are making the error of removing all responsibility, and therefore power, from the women who were victimized.

Its really tempting to adopt black and white Morality as you have, but it always causes harm in some way.

The only way to insist that there is no responsibility on the part of the women is to assert that malevolence is utterly unpredictable, and impossible to protect against, recover from, avoid, or thwart.

The abuser has the lions share of the blame as a rule, but if you give them all the responsibility then you simultaneously teach women they can't do anything to stay safe.

The more accurate iteration of your argument is that the abuser has all the guilt, but both parties have some power and therefore an equivalent degree of responsibility.

It is, in fact, crucial to recovery from abuse to realize what you could have done to prevent it, to avoid it, and in doing so you learn how to prevent it and avoid it in the future.

That's why ptsd screws people up; the reptilian part of the brain refuses to let you move on until you truly understand what happened to you and how to prevent it. If you deny that you had any responsibility at all, even if it's just 10%, or 1%, the ptsd won't go away until you accept that you were responsible for that one part.

If you swim in shark infested waters without a cage, you don't have as much right to complain about getting bit. Doubly so if you intentionally cut yourself as you swim inresponsibility. The shark is still the perpetrator, but you still have to answer for, and still remain responsible for, why you chose to swim there with a cut in the first place.

There is no power without responsiblity.

So when someone abuses a child, that child isn't responsible because they have so little power, it is entirely the fault of the abuser. But when it happens to an adult who chose to go to a dangerous bar and get really drunk, they still made the choice that exposes them to that danger and lowered their guard.

Of course, if you can't understand that, I'm not surprised. If you understood reality as it was, you likely wouldn't have made that comment.

If you listen and understand, or at least debate politely, you'll earn some respect.

Power and responsibility are two sides of the same coin. If you wish to gain power over your life, you need to look to every single area you can control, then acknowledge precisely what you can do differently to get a different result. Otherwise, you will never have any control of how your life goes. The view you and the author are promoting is one that facilitates the victimization of women and humans generally; you just don't see it.

Collectivist notions of responsibility are appealing to the ego because they relieve you of all blame. But they take away all personal power in exchange.

Personal responsibility is the only way to gain true power. You accept blame and fault for your every choice and error, and that is painful, but in exchange you gain control over your life and it gets progressively harder for people to abuse you, whereas collective responsibility makes it progressively easier.

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Interesting thoughts, as a survivor of child abuse though i think there is a lot more nuance here. for example, as an adult not knowing that I was dealing with cptsd I put myself in a lot of dangerous situations. I didn't know I was doing that at the time and I blamed myself more often than blaming the perpetrator because that's what I was taught as a child. I was the person who could never do anything right.

So this idea of taking responsibility when you don't see there is a choice is a blindspot. Should I continue to blame myself and take responsibility when it was due to my childhood I ended up with all these dumb behaviours. This takes awareness which is something I didn't have until I turned 40 and realised that I'd been the victim of child abuse.

I'm now 52 and it's taken me years to see I have a choice. I still blame other people when I think they are in the wrong but after 45 years of turning it all in on myself this is a much healthier habit than 45 years of hating oneself. I'll happily take responsibility when the responsibility is mine.

We can only act out of the tools we are given in life.. the awareness we have and the ability to move out of being stuck in ptsd which often takes money and a lifetime of making big fucking mistakes that might have nearly cost us our lives until we see we have no other choice but to do something about it

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That kinda is what you were getting at though. And her point is totally relevant- you can't condemn pointing out the responsibility the victim holds without committing the same error as the trans movement: removing all responsibility and truth.

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May 27, 2022
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May 27, 2022
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Good essay, but I'm going to go one step further. All the pseudo-religious, neo-Marxist claptrap are smoke and mirrors. There's actually only one objective: to feed into their fetishes unhindered and uninterrupted. No debate. No financial limitations. No boundaries. While some people may be true believers, if they ask themselves what they TRULY want, it will be that. They don't even want equality, really. They all secretly want to be high caste, with everyone else beneath them.

They use what they have- leftovers from Catholicism, Puritanism, and American New Religious Movements to sound familiar. To sound pious. To sound sincere. But these religions all had binary claims. Yes or no. Sin or not. Gender ideology only has one consistent: "Give me what I want. Or else I will punish you."

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absolute power

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What sort of social movement threatens suicide if they don't get what they want? The answer is a cult. Cults do that.

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Alot of religious cults actually kill people for insulting their religion , where trans people have a higher suicide rate because they actually are struggling

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Dana Rivers killed two women for insulting his gender religion. But thank you for acknowledging that transition does not reduce suicidality, which is the exact thing the magic pronouns are supposed to achieve in the first place.

Why does the prophecy fail? What are these poeple struggling with? Not a phobia. Reality. Biological, material reality. It is absolutely true that many people go through medical and chemical transition only to discover that they are not in fact clownfish, but mammals, and that they have harmed themselves chasing a dragon. Yes. And then the horror sets in as they realize they are victims of cultic ritual abuse.

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This is great. It eluciates many things for me that I've been trying to understand, including this recent move to blame "radical feminists" for transistion. The idea that, so called, "radical feminist" theory was queered and fed, just like every other subject, in extracts and interpreted essays/articles, to young people (and those who hadn't read much rad fem lit, like me) makes sense. I also hadn't quite got why people were trying to call e.g Judith Butler a rad fem when she is a queer theorist. Thank you. A thought-provoking piece.

Clare x

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Thank you, that's very informative.. Isn't it interesting however that in a world that oppresses women, this ideology gives the most oppression points.. and therefore the top position to men.. No change at all IMHO. Just another ideology/religion that elevates men and their wants.

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I've had this suspicion the whole time that this is more religious in nature. I never bothered to look at Tumblr, but it sounds like a lot of this cultish religion really flourished there. We are up against something really dark in terms of ideology, and I really fear how bad this will get.

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Best article on the topic to date.

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Good article. Sounds like a lot of Gnostic theology in the movement. It has become a religion.

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I also thought this sounded like Gnosticism. I know some people say it's Platonism but no, I like a lot of Platonism. Gnosticism is a broad term, but some of their crap fits this nonsense quite nicely. In my own comment I said trans ideology mimicked the waste products of Catholicism and Puritanism, though.

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Excellent piece 👌🏾

Keep writing because we read, we share, and that helps many others understand the hidden agendas and irrational ideologies of this self-destructive cabals who want to take down many innocent souls with them

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great work! I was fired as a secondary teacher for "hateful" social media posts, including objecting to trans madness and in particular affirmation-only treatment protocols

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thanks for standing up

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Thank you so much, I have a transgender child, assigned male, at birth, didn't even tell me till 18, took her to get on hormones, she did that for a little over two years, now just does blockers, I wouldn't have picked this for My child, but I love My kids no matter what, but I really feel like she was influenced because,my child was such a little boy,loved spiderman, swords, guns, dirt bikes,wtf happened, there were no clues, which really makes me worry that she was influenced, anyway thank you for your story, from a Mom

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I am an autogynephilic


I am sexually aroused at the thought of having a female body.

Some theorize it has to do with an unformed male identity or a hesitation to accept said identity meets libido and sexual desire.

I have always masturbated thinking I am xyz female body part in an image/video etc. Since 14 or so when I first started but I didn't really understand it, it just was.

Transitioning wouldn't solve anything in my life, and masturbating more than a few hours or less a week is a huge waste of time.

Something I think would make a very interesting study is how many people who transition have watch sissy hypno porn.

Go on xhamster porn website and search the word sissy and watch 15 minutes.

Would your son tell you even if he was?

Would people be honest to a research doing a study on said topic?

There is a way I integrate these feelings into wearing sexy clothing and having sex with a female partner. I trust the right relationship will come and I shape my own life towards homesteading and assume I will meet someone doing the same with compatible sexual desires as well as life goals. I am in no rush.

I think a few things lead me away from transition. When I went to trauma EMDR Therapy because I was abused as a child. I score 9/10 on the adverse childhood experience (ACES) test psychologists do. So this is likely how my male identity never really inset meets sexual feelings and trauma and things need unpacking and internalizing to try to understand.

I was always resistant to be a male because I see the negatives males do in society over and over.

I should be clear I have an agenda (as we all do online and people often don't share). I am a neo-Luddite and a misanthrope who expects humans to destroy the biosphere. I often reduce things to be class struggle first and all other side affects there of. I don't think gender is anything but a spook, an apparition of our minds that we can allow to run our lives, just like god, money, society, etc. Biological sex is separate.

I think developing these thoughts further and having a plan and goal post for homesteading that I move closer and closer towards fulfilling combined with the counseling and time going and discovering the benefits of limiting porn and masturbation; I moved away from the idea of transitioning.

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You're right that studies need to be done on the effects of watching sissy hypno porn, how it can plant and then feed a trans identity. But cause and effect studies won't be allowed to happen as long as people aren't allowed to challenge required beliefs like 'born in the wrong body' or that of compulsory affirmation because 'they know who they are', and on and on. People don't want to see the hot mess of influences driving the massive rise in transgenderism. They're just 'coming out' in their thousands now because the brave new world is so much more tolerant, right?

As long as the fact of massive social contagion is denied, analysis of the kinds of social contagion and influences at play – including porn – won't get properly studied.

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luxury perversions. When climate changes start impacting us all with floods and hurricanes and droughts and food shortages - you will have no time to waste on dressing up and masturbating regardless of a back story of extended trauma. Priorities will emerge. Finding food, shelter, and an honest partner and friends who will watch your back. Therapy therapy. Who'll have time for navel gazing and self indulgent meanderings in a real crisis!

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Excellent piece 👌🏾

Keep writing because we read, we share, and that helps many others understand the hidden agendas and irrational ideologies of this self-destructive cabals who want to take down many innocent souls with them

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Excellent. Its the best short treatment of the trans question I ever read.

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